When it comes to luxury property for sale in Anguilla, there’s land and there’s land. And then there is land like this, of which, incidentally, there isn’t much. Twelve acres of undeveloped meadows lapping onto the virginal white sand of Long Bay, in Anguilla’s most zealously exclusive corner.
Split into two contiguous parcels, the property not only features a mouth-watering beach frontage totalling a whopping 200m (650ft) but it also benefits from absolutely gorgeous 270-degrees views thanks to the considerable elevation (under Anguillian standards, anyway) of the hillside to the southeast of the bay.
This rare combination of substantial beach frontage and elevation, together with the generous size (larger, for instance, than the footprint of some of the most recognisable hotels on the island, such as Malliouhana or Zemi Beach) and the envious location, next to Santosha and on the same bay as the ultra luxurious Quintessence hotel, makes this the perfect spot to develop a landmark project.
This property has only recently been put up for sale and there’s every chance they won’t stay on the blocks for long. An exceptional opportunity, not to be missed.